Omoaholo Omoakhalen

Omoaholo Omoakhalen

Director of Research & Policy Development/ Research & Policy Assistant to the Founder, International Centre for Reconstruction & Development (ICRD)

Omoaholo Omoakhalen, commonly known as “Omo,” is a highly experienced policy, governance, and social innovation consultant who has worked in the development sector for over a decade. His expertise lies in facilitating interventions across various thematic areas, such as infrastructure, education, youth development, peacebuilding, nationhood, and local governance.

Throughout his career, Omo has provided invaluable policy and strategy assistance to both individual and institutional stakeholders in Nigerian and African politics and governance. As the Director of Research and Policy Development at the Nigeria-based NGO, International Centre for Reconstruction and Development (ICRD), he played a crucial role in shaping the organization’s initiatives.

Omoaholo is an esteemed alumnus of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG)’s Bridge Fellowship, where he received recognition for his outstanding contributions. He actively participated in the Infrastructure Policy Commission of NESG and also served on the Infrastructure Thematic Working Group of the Federal Government of Nigeria’s Medium Term National Development Plan (2021-2025).

In addition to his previous roles, Omoaholo established Remake Africa Consulting, a firm dedicated to offering insights and intelligence on global brand competitiveness, corporate social innovation, and the global geopolitics of business. He also initiated the Imagine Nigeria 2050 project, which aims to envision a prosperous future for Nigeria.

Education-wise, Omoaholo holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Cell Biology and Genetics, as well as a Master of International Law and Diplomacy (MILD) from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. He has further honed his skills and knowledge through various certifications, including the Certificate in Public Leadership and Policy (CPLP) from the School of Politics, Policy, and Governance (SPPG).

During his time at the University of Lagos, Omoaholo actively engaged in student associations and held leadership positions. He served as the President of the Cell Biology and Genetics Students’ Association and was a member of both the University of Lagos Science Students’ House of Representatives and the University of Lagos Students’ Union House of Representatives. Notably, he was recognized as the most politically active male in the graduating class of the Cell Biology and Genetics Department in 2005.