Janet Olaolu

Janet Olaolu

Project Manager, Project Enable Africa, and Convener, Empower Youth Summit

Janet Olaolu is a dynamic professional with a robust foundation in Mass Communication, boasting a proven six-year track record in both the media industry and community engagement. Driven by a relentless passion for effective communication and a sincere dedication to catalyzing positive change, she has consistently excelled in various capacities.

Currently, Janet serves as a key asset at Project Enable Africa (NGO), leveraging her expertise as a proficient writer adept in both content creation and grant writing. Additionally, she plays a pivotal role as a Project Manager, orchestrating initiatives that foster meaningful connections and drive impactful change within communities. Beyond her organizational commitments, Janet proudly holds the mantle as the Convener of the Empower Youth Summit, a platform designed to enlighten the youth of her community on policy matters and communal growth strategies.

Drawing from her multifaceted background as a Young Politician and Project Manager, Janet is poised to inject a fresh perspective and a wealth of diverse experiences into the Fellowship. Her comprehensive understanding of both the political landscape and effective program management uniquely positions her to contribute insights on navigating challenges and seizing opportunities within the realm of politics. Moreover, her steadfast commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion underscores her vision for fostering a nurturing environment where leaders can flourish and make substantive contributions to their communities and beyond.

Participation in the Fellowship represents a pivotal opportunity for Janet to deepen her comprehension of political processes and governance, while concurrently expanding her network of like-minded professionals. The collaborative environment and resources offered seamlessly align with her aspirations for personal growth within the NGO sector and her overarching political ambitions. She is confident that this transformative experience will not only sharpen her leadership skills but will also broaden her perspective, empowering her to effectuate a more profound and enduring impact within her community and beyond.