Godiya Haruna

Godiya Haruna

Development Professional for Youth and Community Development

Haruna Godiya is a dedicated development professional with a primary focus on youth and community development in Africa. Possessing both passion and expertise in project management, good governance, and advocacy, he brings a wealth of experience to the social development sector, boasting over 5 years of full-time working experience leading teams and driving systems change.

Currently affiliated with LEAP Africa, Haruna has played a pivotal role in curriculum development and has been instrumental in nurturing the leadership competencies and capacities of youths and teenagers for active citizenship in underserved communities.

His professional repertoire includes proficiency in leadership, project management, programme design, stakeholder engagement, advocacy, and community building. Committed to addressing educational challenges and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across Africa, Haruna continually endeavours to make a meaningful impact in his field.